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I need a collar collar, a collar is what I need. (3️⃣/4️⃣)


Updated: Dec 2, 2021

Hello and welcome to blog post (3️⃣/4️⃣) about cat collars! Do you have some catching up to do, or are you all up to date? Either way, read on!

Different types of cat collars:

An ID collar is a collar with attached identification tags; typically thin, engraved metal shapes attached to a collar with small jump rings. Pet ID tags can contain whatever information you'd like, from the name of your pet, a phone number to call, their (and your) home address or postcode, etc. You rarely see a dog without ID tags, but this is because, typically, they're bigger in size and less independent overall. Still, it's fairly common for cats to have them too, and it's not a bad idea at all! Of course, another option is to make sure your cat is microchipped, but, still, there's no harm in covering all bases and having them microchipped as well as equipping them with ID tags.

Also known as 'safety' collars, breakaway collars have gained real momentum in the past few years. As has the concept of breakaway clasps as a whole, actually. Nowadays, you'll find them on anything from infant car seats, backpacks, lanyards, wallet chains and pet seatbelts - just to name a few. Breakaway collars function in the same way as stretch collars do, except with more success. True to their name, breakaway collars are designed for an easy 'breakaway' effect if your cats' collar should become caught or snagged on anything. Even the slightest amount of force will cause the breakaway collar to 'breakaway', making it the safest and most effective collar option for your cat. If necessary, they are also cheap, quick and easy to replace, though breakaway collars are designed to be used over and over again, with the buckle having been designed to click safely back into place, time after time.

Also known as 'traditional' collars, buckle collars are also commonly used for dogs, too. However, in recent years, breakaway collars have been noticeably favoured more-so in felines, and probably just have the edge now with canines too. Buckle collars are so called for their fastening - an old-fashioned buckle, like the kind you'd find on a belt. While they may still be suitable for your dog if you wish, they're not so ideal for felines. Typically, a dog only wears its collar when it's out for a walk or is out and about. Generally, at home, a dog's collar is taken off. However, in the case of a cat, they generally wear their collars all of the time. In addition to this, most cats are considerably smaller than most dogs, and have noticeably smaller necks with a much lesser circumference. Therefore, if the buckle on your cats' collar was to get caught or snagged on anything, their neck could very easily be strained, and they could even be strangled. This is because buckle collars are designed to be strong, they withhold a lot of force and aren't designed to be released easily - quite the opposite, in fact. So, while a buckle collar may still be a good choice for your dog, (though a breakaway collar is also a good option here) it is less than ideal for your cat. Due to this, we suggest a breakaway collar as the vey best collar option for your cat.

Thanks for sticking with us! Check back in at the same time next week for part (4️⃣/4️⃣)!

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